Experts Expound
“One national GOP redistricting proposal is to draw districts based only on the numbers of U.S. citizens. Experts say this could cost California five seats after the next census. Some states would gain seats. What do you think?”
This is a subject I know something about. No one can say it would
Experts Expound
“On water: Is a deal coming together or is it falling apart? Was there ever a chance for a deal in the first place?
The deal is not coming together or falling apart — there never was a deal.
The environmentalists will watch the Central Valley become a dust bowl
Experts Expound
“Gov. Schwarzenegger, who threatened to veto all the bills on his desk, signed hundreds into law and vetoed hundreds, too. Did he just wimp out or did this reflect good political sense?”
Legacy building will mess with your mind.
Every governor should veto hundreds of bills. It’s preposterous how many
Experts Expound
“The governor promises to veto hundreds of bills unless he gets his water plan. Good hardball politics? Or does this cross the line of legality?”
The Governor is his own branch of government. Live with it, legislators. He has his priorities, they have theirs. If legislators won’t compromise on water, they shouldn’t
Experts Expound
“Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman didn’t vote until she was 46, and didn’t even register to vote until 2002. Does this sink her campaign for governor?”
Experts Expound
“Every six years, Republicans think Barbara Boxer is
vulnerable and every six years they get fooled. Is
2010 the year that Boxer gets beaten?”
Experts Expound
“Bill Clinton supports Gavin Newsom for governor. What’s going on here?”
Simple: payback for Newsom’s early support of Hillary.
Clinton needs a wing man when cruising for chicks. He’s more likely to score some good intern tete-a-tete with Gavin than Jerry.
This is basic political math. The Clintons
Experts Expound
“Orange County Assemblyman Mike Duvall, a Republican and married, was caught on an open microphone at a Capitol hearing describing his sexual exploits with a female energy lobbyist 18 years his junior. Comments, thoughts? Does anyone care?”
I can think of one wife and two husbands who probably care quite a bit.
Experts Expound
“Jerry Brown was governor once — can he do it again? If Whitman winds up as the GOP choice, is she easy prey for Brown?”
No, Brown will be easy prey for Whitman. He will be the California version of Mondale — not the Mondale who lost 49 states to Reagan in
Experts Expound
“The final days of this year’s legislative session begin next week. Will there be a “super deal” — gaming, water, taxes? Or does everything fall apart?”
The final weeks of this legislative session will be a multi-dimensional bar fight. It is rare when something constructive emerges from a bar fight.