
Podcast: UC Davis College Republicans

Andrew Mendoza, left, and Nicholas Francois. (Photo: Tim Foster)

UC Davis College Republicans pulled the plug on a Jan. 13 speaking event featuring far-right firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos and pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli after protests against the duo’s appearance overwhelmed campus security.


Capitol Weekly podcast: Jason Kinney

Jason Kinney. (Photo Scott Duncan, Capitol Weekly)

Midway into the inauguration week of president-elect Donald Trump, Capitol Weekly sits down with Democratic communications guru Jason Kinney of California Strategies. Kinney weighs in what he sees as California’s role as the anti-Trump, “Beacon of Opportunity,” takes note of Calexit, and even drops a reference to “Cool Hand Luke.”


Capitol Weekly Podcast: David Quintana

David Quintana (Photo: Tim Foster)

We kick off 2017 with a visit to lobbyist David Quintana, the brains behind the Back to Session Bash – the hottest political party of the season – which is on track for Thursday, Jan. 12. We get the lowdown on the origin of the bash, the best and worst moments of past Bashes, what, exactly, Coolio was buying at Rite Aid while he was supposed to be performing — and unsuccessfully dig for details about this year’s SPECIAL GUEST.(Spoiler: NOT Beyonce.) Also featuring Viviana Becerra as official BtSB fact checker!


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell, vice president of Political Data, Inc. (Photo: Tim Foster

Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster take the Podcast over to their home away from home — Naked Coffee — for a chat with data whiz and CA120 columnist Paul Mitchell. Paul expands on the ideas in his latest column, breaks down California’s vote in 2016 (now that the final numbers are in) and offers his thoughts on what’s in store for 2018 and beyond.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Mike Madrid

Political strategist Mike Madrid at his Sacramento office. (Photo: Tim Foster)

Capitol Weekly chats with veteran GOP strategist Mike Madrid, who offers his thoughts on the impact of the Latino vote in the 2016 election — and how and why the ‘sleeping giant’ failed to deliver for Hillary Clinton. While the numbers this cycle were good nationally for Donald Trump, and for Democrats in California, Madrid has cautionary words for both parties moving forward.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Tim Clark

Political strategist Tim Clark, who headed Donald Trump's campaign in California.(Photo: Tim Foster)

Capitol Weekly sits down with Donald Trump’s man in California, Tim Clark. Clark ran Trump’s west coast operation out of his Auburn, California offices, directing thousands of volunteers and staff. One and a half million phone calls later, Donald Trump was the winner of the 2016 election. Clark talks about his work on the Trump campaign and his next steps as he heads to Washington, D.C., to work on the transition.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Jodi Remke

Jodi Remke, chair of the Fair Political Practices Commission.

On the day before the 2016 general election, California Fair Political Practices Commission Chair Jodi Remke stops by The Ambrosia Cafe to chat with Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster about campaign violations, money in politics, and what, exactly, the 80 person staff of the FPPC does. Join us!


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Xavier Becerra

Capitol Weekly heads down to Ambrosia Cafe at 11th and K to sit down with Congressman Xavier Becerra, the ranking Latino in Congress, who has been stumping for Democratic candidates across the country and is now spending the final days of #election2016 in his home state. The Sacramento native talks about the campaign trail, the prospects for Dem pickups in the California house delegation – and his own prospects after Nov 8.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Buffy Wicks

Hillary and Buffy

With the election just four weeks away, Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster sat down with Buffy Wicks, Democratic strategist and California State Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 primary campaign.


Podcast: Chatting with Doug Ose

Doug Ose at Gibson Ranch. (Photo: Tim Foster, Capitol Weekly)

Former Congressman Doug Ose was one of the first prominent California Republicans to endorse the candidacy of Donald J. Trump. Capitol Weekly visited Doug at his Gibson Ranch office Monday to chat about the state of the race, following a wild week for the GOP presidential candidate. Ose weighs in on Trump’s taxes, the role of the media, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend – and casually name-checks more world leaders in 10 seconds than Gary Johnson has in the past year.

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