Dear Editor: I want to commend reporter Sigrid Bathen for her thorough and excellent reporting on an issue important to so many people: providing mental health care for our loved ones. Ms. Bathen’s two-part series shined a critical light on some counties’ resistance to adopting Laura’s Law to enhance outpatient services to those with severe mental health issues.
I just received from the State Veterinary Medical Board copies of the rodeo injury reports from June-December 2019: a grand total of TWO.Statistically not possible!
Letter California annually imports some two million non-native American bullfrogs and 300,000 freshwater turtles for human consumption. All are diseased and/or parasitized, though it is illegal to sell such products. Released into local waters, the exotics prey upon and displace our native species.
Dear Editor: I respectfully disagree with Paul Mitchell’s opinion in the April 24, 2018, Capitol Weekly article,“CA120: Political intrigue: BOE’s redistricting and the gas tax.” My vote against raising the gas tax was a matter of policy, not politics.
March 31 marks the birthday of Cesar Chavez, co-founder (with Dolores Huerta) of the United Farm Workers Union. The pair deserve a National Holiday, IMO. (The recent documentary, “Dolores,” supports that contention.)
Re:“Builders, contractors: Numbers tell the tale” (Capitol Weekly, Jan. 17), it is unfortunate that Mr. Hunter of the Building and Construction Trades Council chooses to devalue the impact of the hard-working men and women comprising California’s construction industry, solely to boost his short-sided, self-preservationist agenda.
Pharmacy transparency is one of the most vital components of healthcare in this country – sadly, California is severely lagging in this transparency department. In July, the California Senate Health Committee heard Assembly Bill 315 (AB 315) – it passed unanimously with support from both sides of the aisle.
A recent article, (“In health care, PBMs are crucial — but not regulated” — Capitol Weekly, July 14),” inaccurately claims the pharmacy benefit management (PBM) industry is somehow unregulated. The reality is this: PBMs are a highly regulated industry at the federal and state level.
At the state level, mail-service pharmacies, operated by PBMs are regulated by Boards of Pharmacy, and PBMs acting as third-party administrators register with the Department of Insurance.
Editor: Democrat Steve Glazer will be sworn in today to the state Senate from the 7th District. Since Steve’s election victory by over 11,500 votes on May 19, I have read comments in news articles that if this was a closed Democratic pimary, Steve would not have won or if it was a regular special, Steve would not have won, and a lot of ifs.
Editor: The article you reprinted from an online blogger about administrative staff growth at the University of California (“UC administrative staff tripled in two decades,” Capitol Weekly, April 23) lacks critical context and as such, makes inaccurate comparisons.
The increase in UC’s administrator positions is largely due to significant growth in the university’s health enterprise,