
Personnel Profile:

NAME: J. Kevin Pedrotti
JOB TITLE: lobbyist

by Daniel Macht

Capitol Weekly:
What makes a great lobbyist?
J. Kevin Pedrotti: Number one is access to decision-makers. But, I think
just as important is the desire to get out there and meet people, knock on
doors, sit for long periods of time waiting to get in, and see people.

Basically, just being around.

CW: How did you decide that you wanted to do this for a living?
KP: I came to Sacramento in 1978 as an intern and worked on Ken Maddy’s campaign
for governor, always kind of wanting to get into the lobbying business. My
professor at the time suggested that I work in the Capitol prior to becoming
a lobbyist, so I worked in various capacities here. I think I started
lobbying around 1982.

CW: I saw on your Web site that you went to Chico State University?
KP: I went to Chico and they had a really active internship program there
because professor Dr. Charles Price used to run the fellowship program here
in Sacramento. He encouraged political-science students to take advantage of
the proximity of Chico and Sacramento.

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