
Capitol Weekly Podcast: DearCAStaffers has the Capitol Captivated

California legislative staff – and many of their bosses – are enthralled by a new Instagram account devoted to sharing anonymous stories detailing alleged misbehavior by legislators, senior staff and others in authority in the Capitol and district offices. Some question the motives behind the account’s host and the veracity of the anonymous stories. Whatever the source, whatever the percentage of fact vs. fiction, there is no dispute that the account has disrupted business as usual at the Capitol.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: The Irvine Leadership Awards

Each year, the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards recognize Californians whose innovative projects contribute to making a better California. We invited Charles Fields, Irvine’s VP of Program Implementation, to speak with us about this year’s award recipients, about the program and about the history of the Irvine Foundation.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Asm. Ash Kalra on AB 1400

This episode we welcome California Assemblymember Ash Kalra to talk about the biggest bill of 2022 so far: AB 1400, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act. The bill (and a companion Constitutional amendment, ACA 11) would create a single-payer healthcare system administrated by the state. Kalra spoke with Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster about his hopes for the bill, how it differs from its predecessor SB 562, and why he believes that California needs a single-payer system.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: 10 Districts to Watch in 2022

Artwork by unknown artist, displayed at Beauty Bagel, Oakland, California. Manipulated photo by Tim Foster, Capitol Weekly

We’re joined today by Matt Rexroad, of Redistricting Insights. We invited him to talk about California’s new electoral maps and share his picks for the 10 districts to watch in 2022. Rexroad knows something about fair lines, having been involved in California’s first redistricting effort following the creation of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission in 2008.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Big Week for California Healthcare

California made national headlines this week with an aggressive push toward achieving Universal Healthcare in the state. John Howard and Tim Foster of Capitol Weekly sit down with Anthony Wright of Health Access California to hear his insights on these major developments in California healthcare policy, and learn what to expect next.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Chris Hoene – Budget Ahoy!

California’s proposed new Budget is about to drop. We decided to get ahead of the game and invited Chris Hoene, Executive Director of the California Budget and Policy Center, to talk about what to expect. Chris spoke with us about what he hopes to see in the new Budget, how it was shaped, the surplus, and the Gann Limit.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Jay Lund talks water and drought

Jay Lund, Director of the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and professor of civil and environmental Engineering, is photographed near the Yolo bypass wetlands.

Are we seeing the effects of Climate Change in real time? Is California – finally – exiting the drought? And, should we be building more water storage to hold on to all this rain? Professor Jay Lund, of the Center for Watershed Sciences, our first guest of 2022, answers these questions and many more.


Capitol Weekly Podcast: What Next For Roe v. Wade?

We are joined this episode by Jodi Hicks, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. Hicks has been one of many voices sounding the alarm as the Supreme Court’s new conservative supermajority takes up the issue of abortion rights in cases from Texas and Mississippi. Will 2022 be the year that Americans in half the states lose access to legal abortion? And, how will California be affected? Plus: Who had the Worst Week in California Politics?


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Campaign Keepsakes

As the American Political Items Collectors prepare to host their annual show this weekend in Sacramento we asked Adam Gottlieb to talk with us about his passion for collecting buttons and other campaign items.

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