Experts Expound
Experts Expound
What are your suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions for the governor, the
legislative leadership, political consultants, or others on your political
What are your suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions for the governor, the
legislative leadership, political consultants, or others on your political
Is California’s electoral system in need of a top-to-bottom overhaul? Two lawmakers, Republican Keith Richman and Democrat Joe Canciamilla, want to create a citizens’ commission to propose changes in such things as redistricting, term limits and campaign finance and place the recommendations before voters. Is this a good idea?
“Will Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger face a challenger in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary? Given his recent appointments, is there any indication he should run as an independent?”
“Is there more than meets the eye in Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’sappointment of Democrat Susan Kennedy as his new chief of staff? Is this anelection-year ploy to please Democrats? Is it an admission that the‘Horseshoe’ has been disorganized? Has Schwarzenegger lost his compass? Doesanyone really care?”
“The proof will be in the pudding; if Kennedy
Lawmakers and others already are working on ballot initiatives for 2006,
including rival tobacco tax initiatives, infrastructure bonds, yet more
curbs on sex offenders, and many others. Have voters finally reached a
saturation point on ballot initiatives? Is our modern ballot initiative
process fulfilling Hiram Johnson’s vision?
Should California approve $50 billion worth of bonds to improve roads,
schools and other aspects of the state’s infrastructure, as tentatively
proposed by the Schwarzenegger administration?
Does the failure of Proposition 76 mean that taxes are on the way with the
2005-06 state budget? The governor said as much during the campaign, then
recanted. What happens now?
“What impact, if any, will the results of the Special Election have on the
Legislature when lawmakers get back to Sacramento in January? Regardless of
whether the governor’s proposals are approved or rejected, does this
election set an agenda for lawmakers in 2006?”
What is your best guess as to what will happen on Nov. 8?
Which propositions will pass? Which will fail?
Will Proposition 73, the abortion-consent and notification initiative, drive
voter turnout? Will pro-life voters flock to the polls to get it approved?
Will pro-choice voters flock to the polls to oppose it?