Experts Expound

Experts Expound

The governor has called special legislative sessions on health care and water. What is the outlook for success on these two issues–both of which eluded lawmakers during the regular session?

What happened to that special session on electricity?It will all be done behind closed doors and then Arnold will declare victory. Since when did we

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“How do you think voters will respond to the term-limits initiative in February? Does the fact that California’s presidential primary is going to be held on the same day make a difference?”

It just means that more people will come to the polls thoroughly confused.

I think it is too soon to tell. The larger

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

Chicago real-estate tycoon Samuel Zell has purchased California’s premier newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, along with other assets of the Tribune Co. Will this transaction affect California political coverage?

We will know it is impacting things if California starts looking like Illinois. Examples would be that a Republican governor starts looking seriously at corrections

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who talks a lot about budget cutting, has raised the pay of four dozen of his top administrators, some by more than 23 percent. One person’s salary went from $133,732 to $169,500. Is this justifiable?”

Sure it is. How do we expect to get top-quality people if we aren’t willing to pay

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

Buenos dias: an inquiry para ustedes: Republican or Democrat, who are the emerging stars in the Legislature’s freshman class?

Buon giorno, Giovanni. Nessuno e degno un sacco di merde.

Alex Padilla in the Senate and Mark DeSaulnier in the Assembly.

Jared Huffman on the Dem side. On the Rep side: Does it really matter?This

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

Senate Leader Don Perata locks out three fellow Democrats from their Capitol offices as punishment for violating caucus protocol. Good for discipline or a dumb move?

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“As unveiled by the team of Kaufman and Dowd, what is the likelihood that a change in term limits would be approved by California voters?”

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“In the debate over transportation funding, a critical question emerges: Should California make greater use of toll roads?”

Tolls should benefit transportation users. All tolls paid for transportation should be reinvested in the system for the public’s benefit, not siphoned off for private profit.

Toll roads? I’m still waiting for the governor’s Hydrogen Highway.


Experts Expound

Experts Expound

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, fighting scandal, says he’s going to enter a treatment program for alcohol abuse. What impact will this have on his political career?

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