
Capitol Trivia

Capitol Trivia tests the memories of the seasoned Capitol hands and offers
newbies a chance to learn something about the dark underbelly of California
political history.
1. Which Assembly member was known as the
“Last Rancher”?
2. Which member of the Legislature was the
guardian of the germaneness
3. Whose 1988 death saved Willie Brown’s
4. What used to occupy the space where Assembly Budget Committee
currently resides?
5. What used to occupy the space where Assembly member office 2179
currently is located (current occupant is Mr. Torrico)?
6. Who were “The Grizzlies”?
7. Name some of them.
8. Where was the Gordon Paul Smith restroom, why was it named for him
and who was he anyway?
9. Who was Clay Jackson and why should some people care?
10. Which legislator was the first to be affected by term limits?
11. Which legislative employee won millions in the state lottery?
(Extra credit: What did this person
do before working for the Legislature?)
12. Which two legislators married each other while serving in the
13. What sport did Leroy Greene formerly engage in?

1. Norm Waters. The “Last Rancher” designation didn’t save his re-election,
though. 2. Sen. Newt Russell. 3. Richard Longshore. His death deprived the
Gang of Five of the 41 votes they needed to unseat Willie Brown from the
speakership. 4. An Assembly hearing room. 5. A men’s restroom.
6. A group of liberal Assembly members. 7. Campbell, Connelly, Margolin, Bates,
Farr, Hayden, Sher. 8. The men’s room on the main first floor hallway of
the Annex, proposed to be named for the not-too-lamented Director of
Finance. 9. He was an insurance lobbyist who went to prison for bribery.
10. David Roberti. 11. Andy Schaeffer. He was a fourth-grade teacher in Elk
Grove. 12. Jean Moorehead and Gordon Duffy. 13. Fencing.

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