Posts Tagged: California Environmental Quality Act


CEQA-gutting bill threatens California’s public health, communities

The balance between the environment and business, image by petrmalinak

OPINION – Repeated efforts by developers to gut the California Environmental Quality Act sometimes seem like a hydra: cut off one head and two more grow in its place. Even when one anti-CEQA bill is defeated, profit-driven interests put forth more bills to weaken our state’s landmark environmental law and the critical protections it provides to our communities and ecosystems.


CEQA Reform? With Antonio Villaraigosa and Micah Weinberg

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: Former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and California Forward CEO Micah Weinberg joined us to discuss the report that influenced Gov. Newsom’s ambitious CEQA proposals and discuss why CEQA reform is – in their view – sorely needed.

Recent News

CEQA at heart of Supreme Court decision on UC Berkeley

Students pass through Sather Gate, which leads from Sproul Plaza to the center of the UC Berkeley. (Photo: David A Litman, via Shutterstock)

California’s premier environmental protection law was at the core of a fierce dispute between UC Berkeley and its surrounding neighborhoods — and the neighborhoods won. On Thursday, the state Supreme Court decided in their favor, saying that the university’s plan to build more student housing ran afoul of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, which requires projects to undergo extensive environmental and legal review before proceeding.


CEQA: This law has done a good job

A view of downtown L.A. from the Whittier Bridge. (Photo: Shalunts, via Shutterstock

OPINION: The California Environmental Quality Act has long been the punching bag of business interests and some policy makers. It has been blamed for everything from a dearth of affordable housing to a sluggish economy during financial downturns. Yet, until now, precious little objective research has been conducted to understand the costs and benefits associated with this 46-year-old law.

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