Posts Tagged: biden


CA120: Pour one out for the pollsters

Image by Associated Press

ANALYSIS – The last few weeks have been turbulent to say the least. With the dust starting to settle a bit, Political Data Inc.’s Paul Mitchell has a look inside the numbers to tell us what all this chaos could mean for the upcoming presidential election.


Is Biden’s slump dooming Democratic chances in 2024?

US presidential election illustration 2024, image by Rafmaster

ANALYSIS – During this week’s back and forth about the future of the Biden nomination, California Congressman Mark Takano cited low Biden polling in his Inland Empire district as a reason for Democrats to find an alternative presidential nominee for November. While using the Takano poll as a benchmark could be causing California members of congress, and Democratic nominees, some considerable headaches, this poll may not be a perfect benchmark. 

Experts Expound

Experts Expound: Who won the debate?

Photo by Associated Press

The first – and hopefully only – presidential debate was held last night. With so much at stake in the November election, it seemed right to ask our panel of experts who they thought won the contest. Per usual, they didn’t hold back.


CA120: This was an election the pollsters got right

Directions to the local polling site in San Francisco. (Photo: Kevin McGovern, via Shutterstock)

Much of the coverage of the recent midterm election has been about the surprise outcome – one in which the Republicans have taken a small majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Democrats retained control of the U.S. Senate.  However, this was the story that polling was telling us — if we were willing to listen.


Preserving, protecting public lands is a top priority

Sunrise at Yosemite National Park. (Photo: Stephen Moehle, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: From my home in Ventura County, I can see the rugged hills and green oak trees of the Los Padres National Forest. I grew up in this area and have spent countless days exploring my wild backyard. As a kid, these lands were a constant in my life and I thought they would always remain unchanged. But as an adult, I know these places are threatened by development and climate change.


A fruitless hunt for wisdom in our current energy policies

A pair of pumpjacks at work in Kern County. (Photo: Christopher Halloran, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: As Gov. Newsom addressed California residents in the annual State of the State, he seemed to skirt some big issues plaguing the state, but he didn’t miss the opportunity to double down on his recent and harmful energy policies restricting California energy production.

Recent News

Perils of the political world include the ‘hot mic’

A close-up of a retro microphone, a type sometimes used at public events. (Photo: vectorfusionart, via Shutterstock)

It isn’t something that politicians and other public figures worry about very much, although perhaps they should. It’s embarrassing, of course, but most of all, it’s revealing. We’re talking about the dreaded ‘hot mic’ menace. 


Historic spike in gun violence demands response from Newsom

Gunsmith working on an 300 Blackout AR rifle upper receiver in a vise at a gun shop in California

OPINION: As gun sales and gun deaths have continued to surge since the onset of the pandemic, California’s underinvestment in violence intervention programs has become a glaring policy failure. Even after January 2021 proved to be California’s single deadliest month for gun homicides since 2007, the governor and state legislators have still not agreed to make funding the California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) grant program a priority.


California wants a hefty slice of that $2 trillion pie

A damaged highway in a rural area of California. (Photo: Tupungato, via Shutterstock)

What might President Biden’s colossal proposal to address the nation’s crumbling infrastructure mean to California? Admittedly, the $2 trillion fix is a long way from becoming reality. It’s still in the House, and Senate passage as the bill is written is a big “if.”

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