Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Ann Patterson

2. Ann Patterson
Ann Patterson is Gov. Newsom’s cabinet secretary and top advisor on countless issues, placing her squarely within his innermost circle. Patterson rose to this prominence by earning the governor’s trust; she started out serving as Newsom’s legal secretary, advising him on thorny matters like the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on guns and abortion and ongoing problems with PG&E. In 2022, when Ana Matosantos left the administration, Newsom named Patterson acting cabinet secretary, but that soon became a permanent appointment. Previous to coming to Newsomworld, Patterson was an attorney with Orrick, Herrington, and Sutcliffe, where she focused heavily on the firm’s pro bono work. She also previously worked for then-Attorney General Bill Lockyer and then-Lt. Gov. Gray Davis. She is married to Nathan Barankin, former chief of staff to VP Kamala Harris, when she was state attorney general and U.S. Senator. Patterson and Barankin have direct lines to California’s most important and powerful elected officials, making them the Capitol’s No. 1 power couple.
Updated Aug. 7, 2024
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