Micheli Files

Some drafting observations on 2024 California bills

Image by hapabapa

In looking over the 1,200 bills that reached Governor Newsom’s Desk during the 2024 Session, I found several with interesting provisions. They are in random order as I came across them in my review of the bill language.


Special Episode: Proposition 36 – Increased Penalties For Theft and Drug Crime

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, Capitol Weekly hosted the California Ballot Forum: 2024 Election Preview. Through spirited discussion and reasoned debate, proponents for each side explored the strengths and weaknesses of the proposals in a conversation moderated by a journalist. Today’s episode presents: Proposition 36.


CA 120: Are Democrats sleeping on CA Congressional District 3?

Rep. Kevin Kiley and Democratic challenger Jessica Morse. Photo credits: U.S. Congress, California Natural Resources Agency

One significant House race has been ignored for much of this cycle by national media and donors: Congressional District 3, currently represented by Republican Kevin Kiley and his challenger, Democrat Jessica Morse.


The growing cost of health care continues to vex state policymakers

Panel discussion about the impact of California's budget shortfall. L-R: Kristen Hwang, Calmatters; Jess Bartholow, SEIU California; Scott Graves, California Budget and Policy Center; Beth Capell, Health Access California; Michelle Cabrera, County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. Photo by Joha Harrison, Capitol Weekly

In a sign of the times, Capitol Weekly’s annual health care conference on Thursday focused broadly on expenses and efficiency, befitting for an American health care system that has become one of the most expensive in the world.


As the legislature reaches towards gender parity, the number of female lobbyists is also growing

Cassie Gilson, Axiom Advisors. Photo by Scott Duncan, Capitol Weekly

With the legislature on the verge of gender parity and the Capitol’s own #MeToo reckoning just a few years ago, Sacramento is rapidly becoming less of an old boys’ club. Another area where women are making gains: among the ranks of the lobbying corps, where they’re largely driving the rise in the number of lobbyists working the Capitol.

Micheli Files

Bond measures submitted to voters

Image by Svanblar

On occasion, bond measures are submitted to voters in the State of California, such as this November 5 when the statewide electorate will consider two different $10 billion bond measures, one on climate change and one on school facilities.


Special Episode: Propositions 33 & 34 – Rent Control and AIDS Healthcare Foundation Rules

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, Capitol Weekly hosted the California Ballot Forum: 2024 Election Preview. Through spirited discussion and reasoned debate, proponents for each side explored the strengths and weaknesses of the proposals in a conversation moderated by a journalist. Today’s episode features a discussion of Propositions 33 and 34. In a state known for confusing, contentious ballot-box battles, Props 33 and 34 may be some of the most confounding ever.

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