
Delaine Eastin: a remembrance

Former California Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin. Photo by Scott Duncan, Capitol Weekly

Delaine Eastin, an impassioned and feisty advocate for public education and the first – and only — woman ever to serve as California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, has died at the age of 76. In a statement released after her death, Eastin was remembered not only as the state’s only female Superintendent of Public Instruction, but also only the fifth woman elected to statewide office in California.

Experts Expound

Experts Expound: The future of Prop 47

California's lady justice, image by BreizhAtao

Everyone is talking about Proposition 47 this year. So with that in mind, it’s time for our panel of experts to weigh in. The question: Californians are fed up with crime, and – correctly or not – Proposition 47 is getting much of the blame. Will either lawmakers or voters eventually make substantive changes to this law? 

Micheli Files

Economic impact analysis under the APA


As part of California’s Administrative Procedure Act (APA), which is contained in the state’s Government Code, executive branch agencies and departments that adopt regulations are required to conduct an economic impact analysis. What is that economic impact analysis and how have the courts interpreted agency actions to comply with this statutory mandate?


Campaign expenditures aren’t as transparent as contributions, analysis finds

Loupe one hundred dollars banknotes on keyboard. Finding financial earnings on the internet concept

While California campaigns and election regulators like the California Fair Political Practices Commission have generally succeeded in providing transparency to the contribution side of the campaign finance ledger, they’ve fallen comparatively short when it comes to expenditures.


Senate committee goes to the dogs…and cats

Sen. Janet Nguyen, Sen. Josh Newman, Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, and Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva. Photo by Senate Republicans.

A trio of bills aimed at improving care for animals at shelters cleared the Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development on Monday. The trio of bills collectively aim at reducing shelter overcrowding and improving record keeping around animal care while requiring more shelters to publicly report data on a variety of care issues, including the number of animals euthanized.


A chat with poverty fighter Jess Bartholow

Capitol Weekly Editor Rich Ehisen and SEIU CA Govt. Affairs Director Jess Bartholow. Photo by Tim Foster Capitol Weekly

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: Longtime poverty fighter Jess Bartholow surprised many when she left her longtime gig with the Western Center on Law and Poverty in 2020 to become East Bay Senator Nancy Skinner’s Chief of Staff. The move made sense: Skinner has long been an outspoken advocate for California’s poor, and was a personal inspiration for Bartholow. But with the senator terming out at the end of this year, Bartholow recently opted for a new post: Director of Govt. Relations for SEIU California, one of the most powerful labor unions in the state and across the country.


Rising Stars: Loyal Terry, Assembly Fellow, office of Assembly Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

Loyal Terry, photo by Scott Duncan, Capitol Weekly

The newest Capitol Weekly Rising Star, Loyal Terry, Assembly Fellow for Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), takes inspiration from the lived experiences of his late father, his aunts and uncles, and himself. Terry approaches policy from a holistic perspective, having experienced how housing, transportation, health, and more intersect to impact working-class people.

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