Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Fiona Hutton

68. Fiona Hutton
Los Angeles-based communications expert Fiona Hutton is regularly knee deep in some of the most closely watched issues at the Capitol, including health care, technology, energy, water, infrastructure, and regulatory challenges. Hutton is also a vocal proponent of female entrepreneurship, where she leads by example – Fiona Hutton & Associates is 100 percent woman-owned and has been from day one. She is tough, tenacious, independent and very strategic, which is why from ballot measures to reputation management, Hutton is on almost everyone’s “first call” list. She is also something of a seminal figure here in that previous to her first appearance in the Top 100 in 2016, we didn’t really look that closely at folks outside of Sacramento. Now we do, and the list is better for it. Her eclectic client roster includes the likes of Comcast, Amazon, SoCal Gas, Sutter Health, the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and NBC Universal, all major players here in Sacramento. Full disclosure: she is also a board member with Open California, the publisher of Capitol Weekly.
Updated Aug. 7, 2024
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