Experts Expound
Experts Expound: Who won the debate?

The first – and hopefully only – presidential debate was held last night. With so much at stake in the November election, it seemed right to ask our panel of experts who they thought won the contest. Per usual, they didn’t hold back.
Question: Who won the debate between President Joe Biden and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump?
“Whoever in the Biden campaign that agreed to this should be fired. This wasn’t just a loss for Biden. It was a loss for our country because Joe is still president, and what people saw tonight hurt our country. Tonight, Joe is saying – I fought the felon, and the felon won.”
“If you only watch Fox, don’t read any national papers and have no factual knowledge current and past history, then Trump won. When a pathological liar and grifter can convince half of the US he is the best President ever, and can rewrite history on the spot, I worry about the very soul of this country.”
“This debate was over in the first twenty minutes when President Biden came out slowly and looked overwhelmed on camera. Biden’s blank stare made him look lost while former President Trump rattled off a bunch of false statements, but he was always on offense. I have never voted for either of these men, but have to believe that Trump clearly won the debate. Trump won a debate that the Biden campaign asked for. Someone in the Biden campaign should be fired.”
“The Biden performance was abysmal. The stumbles and freezes and struggles completing a thought will be sliced up into videos that attack his greatest weakness – his age. His staff that has been protecting him, and allowing him to run for re-election, rather than having a vigorous Democratic primary, may be responsible for the second term of the Trump presidency.”
“It was a fascinating debate between two old white guys that underscores the need for female candidates. If we’d had two women engaged in this debate we would have had a substantive debate about issues of concern to every American. Instead, we had two old white guys arguing about their golf handicaps.”
“I do not even want to opine on the debate. If this debate had been an Apple TV show, I would have switch shows well before the first break. The President instilled no confidence that he can lead for the next four years. Calls are going to increase for him to step aside. There no theme he laid out. Newsom is going to have a difficult time as part of the surrogate crowd – as he will outshine Biden. Trump wants to be vindicated. Trump did a better job of controlling his emotions and not letting Biden bait him to do an unhinge response. As an American, this debate was embarrassing. This is what we show to the world are the best representatives of our two major political parties. Regardless of who wins, the US will not be looked to as that shining city on the hill – rather each candidate is determined to tear the other down at the expense of our moral authority and leadership. I really wish each candidate were given a yes or no question and then allowed a follow up only after the yes or no. As CNN set the debate terms, they could have required that.”
“Biden looked and sounded old and Trump was smirking and asserting positions that could not be fact checked. The whole thing was a waste of my time.”
“I had to stop watching. Biden and Trump were exactly what I feared.”
“Tinfoil Hat Time: Why does this seem planned? After the first debate, turn the surrogates and commentators loose and start casting doubt on Biden’s health and ability to make it okay to begin distancing and considering an alternative.”
“Trump is a despicable, lying excuse for a candidate. His act is tiring and old.”
“It’s a terrifying situation for the country. We all lost that debate.”
“Republicans are like Tammy Wynette: they stand by their man. If Dems want to win in November, we’ll need to do the same.”
“Trump won because Joe lost, and I would vote for Joe if he were pickled and brined. Age is a factor. Wonder if an intervention is possible? Be interesting to see how Jill Biden feels about this? Schumer, Jeffries, Clyburn and Obama will have to give this some serious thought.”
“The elephant in the room … IF Joe was convinced to step aside, would Kamala be the choice, and could she win?”
“The post-debate commentary from establishment-types is too cute by half. Every politician has a bad night. Once Dems realize that replacing Joe Biden is no easy task, the panic will diminish and Joe Biden will become the Dem nominee leaving Chicago.”
Our panel of experts: Elizabeth Ashford, Hector Barajas, A.G. Block, Barry Brokaw, Samantha Corbin, Jon Costantino, Richard Costigan, Tim Foster, Rex Frazier, John Howard, Fiona Hutton, Gale Kaufman, Steven Maviglio, Mike MeCey, Paul Mitchell, Barbara O’Connor, Jack Ohman, Kassy Perry, Matt Rexroad, Garry South, Paula Treat, Micah Weinberg, Bill Wong, Daniel Zingale
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