Experts Expound

Experts Expound: Gavin’s podcast debut

Gavin Newsom welcomed MAGA media personality Charlie Kirk on the first episode of his new podcast.

Governor Newsom’s initial podcast was…very interesting to say the least. And so with that for inspiration, we asked our panel of experts for their reaction to the governor’s podcast. NOTE: All opinions expressed here are solely those of our expert panelists.

Question: What is your reaction to Gov. Newsom’s episode of his new podcast “This is Gavin Newsom” in which he broke hard from his party to express his belief that participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports was “deeply unfair.”

“Newsom has a day job. He ought to go back to it. He didn’t break from the party; he broke from his own core beliefs. Sadly, nothing new as he seeks the presidency.”

“He may have ‘broke hard’ from hard-core party activists and money people, but it’s a stretch to say he broke hard from Democrat party voters – where views on this issue are much more contested.”

“Whatever one thinks about the nuances of this issue – and there are nuances no matter what anyone tells you on either side – the main offense here was platforming Charlie Kirk. There are plenty of people with divergent perspectives from California progressives that aren’t clickbait producing fabulists. If Gavin wants to be president, and this is a very naked ploy to position himself for a national run, he can and should talk with many other people who can more forthrightly represent the perspectives of Trump voters.”

“Newsom thinks outside the box. That’s actually good for Democrats, there’s too much lock-step orthodoxy in the party. This is just another example.”


“Governor Newsom has long respected local decision-making, and that balance matters. But when trans rights are under attack nationwide, there’s no room for ambiguity. Trans kids need to hear, loud and clear, that we see them, we support them, and we will fight for them. Sports authorities are working through complex questions, but that can’t come at the cost of emboldening bad-faith actors using this issue to erase trans people. California should be a place where everyone knows they belong. That commitment shouldn’t waver.”

“Cozying up to right wing turds like Charlie Kirk isn’t going to gain Newsom any MAGA supporters, and it totally alienates the Dem base – many of whom may even agree with Newsom on the transgender athlete question. There is a way to come across as a rational moderate on culture war issues, but platforming – and finding common ground with – far right figures like Kirk ain’t it.”

“What is my reaction? Revulsion but not shock. Gavin Newsom doesn’t want to be governor anymore so along his way out of Dodge he thinks he will reinvent himself ad nauseum until he gets it right. Currently he thinks he can be Mini-Trump and no one will notice. Well Gavin, sorry but there’s only one Trump and you ain’t it. So all your transgressions of the past, not to mention your craven move to sell out not only the trans community but so many who continue to think you care about being a Democratic leader, are for naught. You no longer represent anyone and you certainly aren’t acting like a leader. If you don’t want to be governor, go home and let Eleni take over. When Gavin ran for Gov he could be described as a risk taker. Mostly because of his audacious moves on allowing gay marriages in SF. I, for one, pointed to that as a monumental step very few politicians would take. It proved he’d be ‘different’ and not toe the party line when his ideals were being stomped on. ‘Audacious,’ ‘risk taker’ and ‘ideals’ are no longer words that can be used in any sentence to describe Gavin ever again.

He’s nothing more than a self-centered, selfish politician who hides under his desk when the press asks difficult questions and then thinks he can get on a podcast with a MAGA bro and get chummy. If he wants to get to know what’s on the mind of MAGA (something he said was the point of yet another publicity stunt podcast) try talking to some of the Legislators who he refuses to acknowledge. Then maybe he could actually build consensus around some things his state is crying out for. You know, homelessness (that he blames cities and counties for); affordable housing (which he has no true plan for and opposes anyone else’s plan because he’s so beholden to the builders and developers) or crime (just say Prop 36.). Or, Trump is saying he’s getting rid of Medicaid – where’s his podcast on that?

The MAGA world is laughing at Gavin today. He’s made them very happy as this baby Kirk humiliated him. He’s always thought he was smarter than everyone, including his own political team. Well, let’s see if he is.”

“Didn’t listen. Sorry had better things to do than engage in the NEXT presidential race already.”

“In the same podcast, Newsom also criticized those who talk down to trans Americans and contribute to their vulnerabilities. That, along with his longstanding record on equal rights, should make it easier for trans advocates and allies to hear his views on sports. The real shame was the Trump campaign spending $60 million on ads to sensationalize this issue. There are much bigger challenges to address, affecting many more people, and in more acute ways.”

“Gavin has turned the page towards a national election. The Governor is very smart – while he may have angered the transgender community in the short run, his “evolution” to fairness in girls’ sports will resonate with many Democrats in a primary. Trump’s win of all the swing states showed that Independent and some Democrat voters accepted Trump defining Harris as more interested in transgender funding for inmates than looking out for those voters. Assuming Vance is the standard bearer for Republicans in 2028, the Vance campaign against Democrats and for common sense will track with 2024. Newsom does not want to be defined that way and is getting out ahead of that potential issue. Newsom knew what he was doing with Charlie Kirk and was brilliant with using his podcast to do it. Charlie Kirk is going to have to acknowledge that the Governor was engaging and has evolved. That is a huge win for Newsom on a national level.”

“This is a position that will play well if he runs for President. This is not about California.”

“Entertaining to see a windsock react to the winds of public opinion.”

Our panel of experts: Elizabeth Ashford, Hector Barajas, A.G. Block, Barry Brokaw, Samantha Corbin, Jon Costantino, Richard Costigan, Tim Foster, Rex Frazier, John Howard, Fiona Hutton, Gale Kaufman, Steven Maviglio, Mike MeCey, Paul Mitchell, Barbara O’Connor, Jack Ohman, Kassy Perry, Matt Rexroad, Garry South, Paula Treat, Micah Weinberg, Bill Wong, Daniel Zingale 

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