Experts Expound
Experts Expound
“Orange County Assemblyman Mike Duvall, a Republican and married, was caught on an open microphone at a Capitol hearing describing his sexual exploits with a female energy lobbyist 18 years his junior. Comments, thoughts? Does anyone care?”
I can think of one wife and two husbands who probably care quite a bit.
It is another example of moral bankruptcy and elected officials operating by a different set of rules. It reinforces the public’s disgust with elected officials in general. Not a good thing and sex scandals coupled with moral hypocricy become the norm in the public’s mind. Insiders just snicker and laugh but real citizens are disgusted and they do care. Another nail in the coffin of elected office holder’s image.
I’m sure the spouses care. I looked up douche bag in the dictionary and it said See Mike Duvall.
Mike Duvall has redefined “juice committee.”
It’s not every day you get to use the word cad so aptly.
Looks like Duvall has a lot of sexual … energy.
As much time as politicians spend in front of microphones, they ought to be pretty familiar with how they operate…..
The Democrats don’t really have to worry about 2010. The Christian base is destroying itself. And I always thought a gentleman was discreet.
My first thought is: So the man likes and wants sex, big deal. He’s no worse than anyone else for that. But if he’s one of these holy Republicans – like seemingly all Republicans these days – who says God tells him to hate immigrants, gay people and free choice for women, and panders accordingly, then he deserves to be berated as a liar and a hypocrite.
An anti-gay ‘family values’ crusader that’s a dirtbag… shocking. What will be most interesting about this is to see how his constituents- and his family- react.
We all know what lobbyists are. Is anyone checking his votes and how he influenced his caucus on her issues?
Just what the Legislature needed.
As Dwight Eisenhower once said of another California politician: “In his case, there seems to be no final answer to the question, `How stupid can you get?’”
I’m interested to know who Duvall was talking to when he was caught on the open mic. Other than filling in that final missing detail, I’m already bored with the story.
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