A Post-Mortem of the 2014 Election

POST_topperJoin Capitol Weekly, UC Center and Leadership California Institute on Thursday, November 6 in Sacramento for A Post-Mortem of the 2014 Election.

This program promises to be an exciting, unique and informative overview of the November elections providing analysis, opinions and insight. What happened? Why? What happens next?

Register now and save your seat!   Registration fee is $199 and includes lunch and all conference materials.


8 a.m. – 9 a.m.  Check in, coffee

9 a.m. – 9: 15 a.m.
  Welcoming remarks
 Tim Foster, Open California
;  A.G. Block, UC Center

9:20 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
  Panel 1: 
 Follow the Money

How Much, Who Spent it and Was it Worth it?

Moderator: Ben Adler, Capital Public Radio

Cynthia Bryant, California Republican Party; Tim Clark, Clark Strategy Group; Sheri Sadler, Sadler Strategic Media; Angie Tate, California Democratic Party; Gary Winuk, California Fair Political Practices Commission

10:45 am. – 11:55 a.m.
  Panel 2: 
Statewide Races

Constitutional Officers and Ballot Propositions

Moderator: Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times

Joe Caves, Conservation Strategy Group; Paul Hefner, Tom Torlakson Campaign; Mike Madrid, Grassroots Lab; Aaron McLear, Redwood Pacific; Ace Smith, SCN Strategies

Luncheon: Noon

Keynote: Jim Brulte, Chair of the California Republican Party

Introduced by John Howard, Capitol Weekly

12:55 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
 Panel 3: Legislative Races

Of Top Two and Super Majorities

Moderator: Amy Chance, Sacramento Bee

Andrew Acosta, Acosta Consulting; Jon Fleischman, Fleischman Consulting Group; Lisa Gasperoni, LG Campaigns; Paul Mitchell, Political Data Inc.

2:15 p.m. – 3:25 p.m
  Panel 4
:  The Politics

What Does it all Mean?

Moderator: Anthony York, Grizzly Bear Media

Kim Alexander, California Voter Foundation; Carol Dahmen, Comcast Spotlight; Joel Fox, Fox and Hounds; Alma Hernandez, SEIU California; Rose Kapolczynski, Rose Kapolczynski Consulting; Jason Kinney, California Strategies; Ned Wigglesworth, Redwood Pacific

3:25 p.m.  Closing Remarks

Paula Treat, Leadership California Institute

3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  Welcome New Legislators Reception

Members of the audience and panel participants are invited to attend the reception with newly elected officials.

The Reception will mark the first time California’s new Legislature will be convening for an event and promises to be a momentous occasion for attendees.

The 2014 Election Post-Mortem Conference will be held in Sacramento on Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014, from 9AM to 3:30PM at 1123 J Street, with reception immediately following at the same address. 

Seating IS limited.  Reserve your ticket now!  

For questions about speakers or content, contact John Howard at Capitol Weekly, 916 444 7665, [email protected]

For information about becoming a sponsor of this event, contact Tim Foster at Capitol Weekly, 916 444 7665, [email protected], or Michelle Matheson at Aim-Point, at 916 669 9372 or [email protected]

For questions about registration, contact Kathy brown at Capitol Weekly, 916 444 7665,[email protected]

The 2014 Election Post-Mortem is sponsored by The California Endowment, The Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations, The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, Manatt, Phelps, Phillips, LLC., The California Broadcasters Association, California Professional Firefighters, Southern California Edison, California Advocates Inc., The California Channel, The California Center, Capital Public Radio, The Gualco Group, Inc., The California Cattlemen’s Association, The California Water Association, Comcast Spotlight, Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks, The Professional Engineers in California Government, Platinum Advisors, Kaiser Permanente, Western United Dairymen, California Beer and Beverage DistributorsWestern Electrical Contractors Association, Air Conditioning Trade Association and Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association of California



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