
Why AB 884 is a vital step for California’s diverse democracy

Diverse cultures, image by Bobboz

OPINION – As the author of Assembly Bill 884, I am committed to ensuring that every Californian, regardless of their language preference, can fully engage in our democratic process. In a state as diverse as ours, it’s clear that our voting system needs to evolve to truly represent all voices.


Public schools: a lost opportunity for stormwater capture

Stormwater. Image by Toa55

OPINION – Warm fall temperatures might be pleasant if you work in an air-conditioned office and can enjoy early morning walks with your dog. But if you’re a student in the Los Angeles Unified School District, chances are those hot days are harming your ability to learn.


Getting offshore wind right means investing in science

Offshore wind farm at sunset. Image by Bjoern Wylezich

OPINION – With a recent vote by the California Public Utilities Commission to authorize purchase of up to 7.6 gigawatts of offshore wind energy, California is increasingly committed to a plan to pursue renewable energy offshore. The success of this endeavor hinges on a robust scientific understanding of the technology’s potential impacts.


Governor Newsom: make home a safe space for all youth

Image by Gajus

OPINION – As a former foster youth who is also transgender, finding a home where I felt safe was a struggle for most of my life. Governor Newsom has a chance to ensure that youth who are transitioning out of foster care have the safety of a home where they can be themselves by signing a bill headed to his desk, AB 2802 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego).


AB 2364 will only skyrocket commercial cleaning costs

Image by MDV Edwards

OPINION – After COVID-19, many companies adopted work-from-home policies, leading to smaller office footprints.  As a result, the commercial real estate industry, as a whole, has taken a major economic hit.  We see it with our own eyes, and the statistics reinforce what we already know: California’s downtown commercial districts are vacant and struggling. 


AB 3190 will undo California’s progress on affordable housing

Image by welcomeinside

OPINION – When asked what issues Californians are most worried about, you will almost always hear about the cost of housing. That’s why such a broad and diverse group of housing advocates, developers, lenders, builders, housing management experts and non-profit organizations have joined together in opposition to AB 3190.


Securing California’s future water supply is critical

The California Aqueduct Located in the Desert City Palmdale. Image by Brandon Boucher

OPINION – Unless a new bill to grow California’s essential water supply, SB 366 (Caballero), is signed into law, our only progress on water supply this year – as this summer’s record temperatures foreshadow potential droughts to come – will be another, dubious conservation mandate, which is a multi-billion-dollar effort for a miniscule volume of water.

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