
Prioritizing affordability while delivering California’s clean energy future

Electricity from solar panels, dams, and wind turbines. Environmentally-friendly renewable energy concept.

OPINION – As California looks to continue its bold leadership in climate action and clean energy development, we need new solutions that enable the state to meet its ambitious clean energy goals while keeping rates affordable for Californians. 


California must lead boldly on climate and housing justice

Flag of California and Statue of Liberty on sky background. Image by Arseniy45.

OPINION – In this moment of both challenge and opportunity, California has the chance to lead by example. Let’s seize it—for the health of our communities, our neighborhoods’ resilience, and our planet’s future.


What the 2024 election means for California’s air and climate

Image by Wirestock

OPINION – The return of Donald Trump to the White House magnifies all the threats that make voter-approved Proposition 4 necessary, increases the likelihood of poisoned air and water and runaway climate change, and destroys the hope that the federal government will help California navigate those challenges in the next four years.


CRNAs are essential for safe and timely anesthesia care in California

Image by nd3000

OPINION – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) play an indispensable role in California’s health care system, particularly for underserved and rural communities where anesthesia access is critical, yet limited. For decades, California CRNAs have independently provided safe, cost-effective, and patient-centered anesthesia care—a policy reinforced by state statute and upheld by court rulings and regulatory guidance.


People with disabilities are key to our workforce strength

Image by monkeybusinessimages

OPINION – It’s no secret that the economy was a top concern for voters this election season. As the nation, and California in particular, continues to bolster our position in the global marketplace, we must recognize a vital population that will help get us there: people with disabilities. Their contributions to California’s economy alone have


Celebrating 50 years of women’s involvement in CHP

Photo by California Highway Patrol.

OPINION – This year marks the 50th anniversary of women’s significant contribution and involvement in the California Highway Patrol. Breaking down systemic barriers helps to lead and inspire future generations of women, and it is a responsibility we all share.

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