
Tribal gaming all comes down to people

Image by LevanMose

OPINION – The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) creates a structured legal environment for tribal gaming.  IGRA mandates that gaming revenue is used in specific ways to benefit the community, such as funding tribal government operations or programs, providing for the general welfare of the tribe and its members, and promoting tribal economic development and charitable contributions to the broader community.


Put climate on the ballot in November

Image by Sepp photography

Opinion – Climate change has clear causes and proven solutions but California’s investments in them are inadequate. Unless we square our investment with the scope of the challenge, the lives we build face dire but preventable risk.


Strong water conservation standards are essential for low-income communities

Image by Cozine

OPINION – California’s State Water Board is wrestling with what terms to set for water conservation regulation for urban areas. This regulation implements state policy designed to Make Conservation a California Way of Life. But the only way to make that vision equitable is to ensure the needs of low-income communities are taken into account.


Independent physicians essential to solving CA’s healthcare provider shortage

Image by kovop

OPINION – California is facing a physician shortage, exacerbated by physician burnout from the COVID-19 pandemic and employed physicians facing demanding work schedules with long hours, heavy patient loads to meet productivity targets, and administrative tasks in the name of compliance. By practicing independently, I can design my practice in a way that meaningfully benefits my patients and guards against burnout.


Ready or not, the next generation of California politicians has arrived

Dr. Flojaune Cofer, photo via YouTube

OPINION – Dr. Flojaune Cofer shocked the Sacramento political establishment by defeating three well known politicians in the Sacramento mayoral primary – a race widely heralded as the most closely watched in the state due to its razor-thin vote margins in the early count. She represents a rising wave of unapologetically progressive Millennial women using grassroots organizing to win races throughout the state.


AB 2451: A crucial step toward closing wage theft loophole

Image by Art of Ngu

OPINION – The state of California should be taking active steps to ensure that historic infrastructure investments recently authorized in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento provide middle class wages, safeguard against misclassification, and utilize the most highly trained and efficient workforce available.


How to really create safe California schools

Image by Simone Hogan

OPINION – Legislation introduced this session in the California Assembly (AB 3038) would require all K-12 schools to have an armed police officer stationed on campus. Instead of being a meaningful step toward school safety, this is the latest example of a simplistic, inadequate, and politically expedient solution being offered based on the powerful myth that “good guys with guns” prevent acts of extreme violence.


The Golden State can do better than copper landlines

Image by Flegere

OPINION – Outdated regulations written before the internet existed continue to require broadband companies to prop up old copper telephone networks, even as consumers abandon them for the new horizons, capabilities, and possibilities of broadband.

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