Dear Editor,
Sacramento Attorney Howard Dickstein’s opinion page piece in the Feb. 17edition of Capitol Weekly (“Tribal sovereignty: A dynamic concept upheld bythe courts for generations”) completely misrepresents the high regard thevast majority of American Indian tribes have for their legal status assovereign nations.
Dickstein speaks of sovereignty as a commodity to be bartered with
Dear Editor,
Interesting piece (“Dispute over live animal markets touches on state, localand cultural differences,” Capitol Weekly, Feb. 16). Thanks for taking thison.
With all due respect, some clarification is in order: Of the two marketbills (Kuehl and Honda), only the Kuehl bill was supported by the humanecommunity. We opposed the Honda bill, considering it
Dear Editor,
Your article, “Second shift of baby boomers are ready to take jobs”(1/26/06) was quite informative but its curious headline needsclarification. The four Capital Fellows Programs (i.e., the Assembly,Executive, Judicial Administration, and Senate Fellows programs) have alwayswelcomed applicants of any age. The ranks of Capital Fellows reflect thatopenness. For example, Michael Ashcroft (Senate), Catherine
Dear Editor,
In a recent article, “Mod Squad Focuses 2006 Election Hopes on State SenateRaces,” (Capitol Weekly, Jan. 5) my leadership on environmental issues wascalled into question. I’d like to respond. During my six years in theCalifornia State Assembly, I was proud to receive higher ratings from theCalifornia League of Conservation Voters than any other
Dear Editor,
I just finished reading Richard Rios’ commentary (Capitol Weekly, Dec. 8,When Our System Fails Us) that calls for removing death penalty clemencyauthority from the Governor’s purview and giving it to an independentClemency Review Board. His article only serves to reaffirm my belief thatthere is nothing more dangerous than a newly minted lawyer who
Dear Editor,
Thank you for your article regarding the 41st AD race. Barry Grovemancertainly is courting the developer crowd here in our district, whichextends from Santa Monica to Oxnard and the West San Fernando Valley alongthe magnificent coast and encompassing the Santa Monica Mountains NationalRecreational Area.
As a co-founder of Heal the Bay, I
Dear Editor,
Ken Mandler had a large calculation problem in his article (Capitol Weekly,Nov. 24). Three out of four employees leave PERS prior to retirement, butthat is different than saying 75 percent of current employees leave PERSprior to retirement.
If each employee who leave prior to retirement works an average of fiveyears and the fourth
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed your article on Dick Floyd [Capitol Weekly, Nov. 17]. As a formerstaffer and chief counsel to the Assembly Public Safety Committee(1999-2004), I had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Floyd quite abit–sometimes too much, when it was late at night.
I don’t know if you remember when he announced during a
Dear Editor,
In your article (Capitol Weekly Commentary, Nov. 10) on Proposition 73, youmention that Californians’ Coalition Against Suicide includes members of thedisability community. I am writing to you both as a medical professional andas a person with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I also am the president of SchollInstitute of Bioethics (an organization not affiliated with
Dear Editor:
I arrived at the Cozy Diner in Chico at 7:35 a.m. and took the stool on theend of the counter and had breakfast at a leisurely pace, since Gov.Schwarzenegger was not expected until after 9 a.m.
As soon as regular Chicoans got up from a booth, the Schwarzenegger teamplaced Republican activists with Arnold