Editor,My union, SEIU Local 1000, sends $15 million a year to SEIU headquarters and gets just $5 million back. That’s why I opposed the dues increase.SEIU membership does nothing for us. And despite the fact that the membership is at least 80 percent against the dues increase, it passed. Too bad your story did not
Re “AG wields broad authority over suit settlements,” (Capitol Weekly,October 12)
The article undoubtedly served the interests of the political operatives whoplanted it. Just as surely, it failed to meet the standards of professionaljournalism. None of the law firms the article mentions has received one dimefrom our false-claims cases. The energy cases the
Dear Editor,
Shane Goldmacher’s report (Capitol Weekly, October 5) on thefaith-community’s efforts to pass Proposition 85, the parental-notificationinitiative, tells only part of the story. We in the mainstream, Protestantcommunities of faith, oppose this proposition as a threat to young womenwithout supportive families and as an intolerable imposition on familyintimacy.
California Church IMPACT represents over 5,000
Dear Editor,
Your article last week about homeland-security funding [“Homeland-securitybake sale”] said, “While first-responder units always have struggled to getenough funding, many have been surprised to learn that billions of dollarsin homeland-security spending has often not allowed them to improve theirsituations.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
Since 9/11, California has received over $1
Dear Editor,
Thanks for providing me the opportunity to set the record straight over yourpiece entitled “The Secret Lives of Dentists.” To be sure, the title was aclever play on the movie with the same name, but if the piece was a movie,Siskel and Ebert likely would have given it two thumbs down. I recognize,however,
Dear Editor,
So what do I have to do, throw on a feather boa and sing a chorus of “It’sRaining Men”?!
In regard to your article (Capitol Weekly, June 22) that there are only twogay Democratic candidates running for election in California, I would liketo inform you that there are at least three, including me.
Dear Editor,It’s good to see Capitol Weekly devoting some ink to animal protectionissues (“Levine, Koretz head Assembly’s ‘Animal Caucus,’” Capitol Weekly,April 20). Indeed “animal bills” are among those that generate the mostconstituent communications–whether your animal of choice is an elephant or adonkey.Stereotypes notwithstanding, both Democrats and Republicans lead onlegislation aimed at protecting animals. This session
Dear Editor,It seems like either Shane Goldmacher got it wrong or Fiona Ma is ahypocrite. Mr. Goldmacher’s article (“Two ‘moderate’ San Francisco Democratsface off in a political showdown”; Capitol Weekly; April 13, 2006) about the12th Assembly District race states that both candidates are supporters ofsingle-payer health care. Why, then, did Fiona Ma take $1000 last
Dear Editor,
I read your informative article, “Marin Assembly seat up for grabs” (CapitolWeekly; March 30, 2006). Thank you. I am concerned, though, that you said solittle about John Alden, and this is not only doing him a disservice, butthe public as well: Alden is running a campaign based on integrity. Whileyou state that he
Dear Editor,
It was recently printed in this paper (Capitol Weekly, Feb. 23, “Only inCalifornia”) that certain bills were frivolous. In particular, Assembly Bill1850 was mentioned.
This bill was written in response to the request of my family and theAtchison family after our two 15 year-old sons were killed after beingejected from the trunk of