Experts Expound
“Regarding a possible special session on the state budget: Is there any real hope, despite the magnitude of the state’s fiscal situation, that lawmakers and the governor will actually work out a sensible agreement to deal with the problem?”
Nothing “sensible” has happened in the Capitol for several years.
Hard to
Experts Expound
“Tonight’s the night (Thursday): It’s Biden vs. Palin and, somehow, even moderator Gwen Ifill is becoming part of the debate. Who will come out on top?”
Biden if he sticks to the facts and doesn’t appear condescending or smart-alecky. It’s clear that Palin is out of her league and in over her
Experts Expound
“Citing the economy, John McCain has suspended his political campaign and announced he won’t participate in Friday’s presidential debate. What’s going on here–statesmanship or desperation?”
A little of both. What this triggers next is a debate over the term “suspend.” Does that mean vice-presidential candidates and surrogates are on the sidelines, too,
Experts Expound
“The governor intends to veto the state budget, and the Legislature intends to override–if the Republicans hang tight. Is the governor showing real strength and defiance, or is this a stunt? Does this play into a recall drive?”
All of a sudden the Governor gets a conscience? It’s a budget without new
Experts Expound
“The prison officers’ union says Gov. Schwarzenegger should be recalled from office for a myriad of sins. Is the recall serious?”
No. But fun to watch.
Absolutely. An angry, wealthy special interest is a dangerous foe
Any one with that much money has to be taken seriously. People have collected
Experts Expound
“Sarah Palin — does she help or hurt John McCain’s chances in November? If she hurts him, does she get booted off the ticket?”
We’ll find out over the next two months. She’s one tough lady and my bet is she’ll prove to be a net plus.
She helps by
Experts Expound
"A two-part question: Looking ahead a few days, who do you think John McCain will pick as his veep? And does Joe Biden help or hurt Obama?"
According to the I Love Lucy rule about older, dowdier sidekicks, McCain needs a 95-year-old congressman with the charm of a Nazi dentist.
Experts Expound
"A timely question for Democrats: What's more important, getting a budget written or going to Denver? Is the timing of the convention the real driver of our state budget negotiations?"
Which would you rather do — hobnob with celebrities, get jacked on Obamamania and whoop through a thought- and angst-free week in
Experts Expound
"Has the presidential campaign devolved to the frivolous? McCain depicts Obama as a star, and Obama sinks in the polls. Obama returns fire with McCain as a mere Beltway star, and McCain is rattled. So what's wrong with being a star?"
Yes, this whole thing has degenerated into a schoolyard taunting contest.
Experts Expound
Jerry Brown changed Proposition 8's ballot statement to read "only marriage between a man a woman is valid or recognized in California." The proponents describe Prop. 8 as "a limit on marriage" and are challenging Brown's wording. Is Brown playing politics or is he doing his job to ensure ballot accuracy?