Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“Given all that’s happened in this state in 2008, how would you rate Gov. Schwarzenegger’s effectiveness as a governor and politician?”

His acting career is looking better all the time.

He’s a show horse, not a work horse, in short, a disappointing bust.

As a governor, he’s less effective

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“On the theory that the less time you’re here, the less damage you can do: Is it time for a part-time Legislature?”

 I don’t suppose doing away with Democrats is a possibility.

That is the $41-billion question. And the answer, in all likelihood, is directly proportional to the number of hours

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“The state’s fiscal mess is getting worse and, amid partisan rhetoric, nothing is happening. What exactly is wrong in Sacramento?”

Per diem pay for legislators.

The former Speaker of the Assembly just used the revolving door unlike anyone in Legislative history …and then claims he didn’t know the position was paid. 

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

"Politically speaking, what do you have to be thankful for (if anything)?"

No major elections in 2009.

I'm grateful for the Internet. Especially since the demise of California Journal, it has been hard to follow state politics through dead-tree publications alone. Capitol Weekly and other online sources make it possible

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“The intense controversy over Proposition 8 continues. The state Supreme Court is poised to weigh in. What do you think will be the ultimate fate of Proposition 8?”

 It will be overturned, then the U.S. Supreme Court will fast track it and keep the issue alive for another 20 years.


Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“A new leader, Democrat Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento, has been chosen to run the state Senate. Will he make a real difference in the upper house?”

Steinberg will save the federal government a fortune.  No more need for wiretaps, bugs, or teams of people to follow the evidence trail.

Probably not.

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“What was your biggest surprise on election night?”

Prop. 8.  Wow.

The biggest surprise was the apparent reelection of Ted Stevens in Alaska.  Convicted felons usually don’t do that well.

Seventy percent African-American support for Proposition 8. Looks like Republicans aren’t the only party with divisions on social issues.

Experts Expound

The Experts Expound

“Time to have some fun: Take a leap and predict what will happen Election Night — on any items you are interested in – president, ballot props, congressional, legislative or local.”

Obama will slaughter McCain….

Status quo in California.

Game 5 of the World Series will be rained out for

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“What do you think will happen with Proposition 8, the gay-marriage ban? The poll numbers are conflicting, the spending heavy and some believe the outcome may be affected by the presidential election turnout.”

 Late money and large turnout lead to Prop 8’s demise.

An Obama landslide combined with the tendency to

Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“John McCain is down in the polls. What is his likely strategy in the final three weeks of the campaign? Hard slugger? Thoughtful and presidential? Negative?”

All of the above.

You can rest assured he will be all over the map, just like he has been during the whole campaign. This

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