No. 72: Capitol Weekly’s Top 100

72. Carl Guardino
The president and CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group is Carl Guardino, whose organization represents some 350 businesses, large and small, in the high-tech heart of California. Guardino, once described by a local paper as one of the five most influential business people in Silicon Valley, has headed SVLG for more than 20 years. He also is a member of the California Transportation Commission, the powerful body that decides California’s transportation projects in five-year increments. Guardino originally was put on the board in 2007 by Gov. Schwarzenegger, then reappointed twice by Jerry Brown. This year, Gavin Newsom appointed him to another four-year term. In June 2018, Guardino co-led the Bay Area’s first nine-county transportation measure – Regional Measure 3 – which is set to generate $4.5 Billion in its first 25 years.
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