Capitol Weekly podcast: Rob Gunnison

Journalist, educator and newly minted documentary filmmaker, Rob Gunnison joins the Capitol Weekly podcast to talk about the new Open California Oral History Project, which recently completed its first two installments — filmed interviews with retired U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson and long-time Sacramento loobbyist George Steffes.
Henderson, a civil rights lawyer who later joined the federal judiciary (and even later took control of California’s flawed prison health care system), is the very definition of an “activist” judge.
Steffes was the Sacramento lobbyist closest to then-Gov. Ronald Reagan. Rob chats with Capitol Weekly’s John Howard about the process of creating an oral history and shares interesting tidbits from the first two projects.
The Henderson and Steffes oral histories may be seen at www.capitolweekly.net. For a description of the project, click here.
Click here for our conversation with Gunnison ….
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