
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Jamie Callahan

Jamie Callahan. Illustration by Chris Shary for Capitol Weekly.

12. Jamie Callahan

Jamie Callahan’s official title in the governor’s office is Senior Counselor and Deputy Chief of Staff. But as we all now know, titles in Newsomworld don’t always accurately or fully reflect what someone does in that oh so unique land of Gavin. For one, Callahan is the rare staffer who is not a longtime resident of that enchanted world. Her forte is a long and fruitful working relationship with chief of staff Dana Williamson, going back to their days together in the Jerry Brown administration, where Callahan was the guru on external affairs. She later served as Newsom’s deputy cabinet secretary and chief of staff for Liane Randolph at the California Air Resources Board before returning to become Willamson’s right hand and occasional fixer. Or maybe more accurate, the utility infielder who can and often does step in whenever and wherever she’s needed. Casey Stengel once said “you don’t win pennants without those guys,” and he wasn’t talking about Maris and Mantle.

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