
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Danny Curtin

Illustration by Chris Shary, for Capitol Weekly

72. Danny Curtin

Danny Curtin heads the California Conference of Carpenters, which has emerged as key player in the state’s ongoing debates over housing. Curtin and crew have staked out nuanced positions that have put them at odds with their labor comrades the State Building and Construction Trades Council. But that suits Curtin just fine; during the Schwarzenegger administration he developed a good working relationship with the Republican governor to the chagrin of other labor leaders. Curtin has spent most of the past 30-some years leading the carpenters, with a brief stint as chief deputy director for the Department of Industrial Relations from 1999 to 2001. He also serves on the California Water Commission, the Industrial Welfare Commission and on the board of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

Updated Aug. 7, 2024

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