
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Chris Hannan

Chris Hannan. Illustration by Chris Shary for Capitol Weekly.

73. Chris Hannan

Chris Hannan is about a year into his new job as the president of the State Building and Construction Trades Council, having replaced former president Andrew Meredith, who replaced the legendary Robbie Hunter, who replaced the legendary Bob Balgenorth. (Can you say “big shoes?”) The council is the largest construction trades council in the country, representing nearly half a million members in 14 crafts, including about 70,000 apprentices. So, obviously, the holder of this gig has clout from the get-go. Hannan previously served as executive secretary of the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council since 2021, and as a council representative from 2012 to 2021. A native of Orange County, Hannan is a second-generation member of UA Local 709 Sprinkler Fitters.

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