
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Alicia Isaacs-Lee

Alicia Isaacs-Lee. Illustration by Chris Shary for Capitol Weekly.

69. Alicia Isaacs-Lee

A new entrant to the Top 100, Alicia Isaacs-Lee has more than earned her spot on this list. She is the deputy chief of staff to Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas and in the last year rose to prominence in the Capitol community with her consistent ability to make things happen under any circumstance. She is widely respected inside the building and out as a team leader and communicator, and is a key liaison between lawmakers and the Speaker. In short, if they have concerns about their bills or committee assignments or the brutal Sacramento summer heat, they start with her to get to him. She came to the Speaker’s office after serving as chief of staff to Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel. It’s also worthy of note that she was out for six months on maternity leave and came back to her same power and position. Men might not get it, but we’re guessing most women know how important she must be for it to work out that way. She is married to Mandy Isaacs-Lee, No. 66 on this list.

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