
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Warren out – what now? Paul Mitchell opines

Photo courtesy Gage Skidmore, Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/

The aptly-named Super Tuesday turbocharged the Democratic primary this week, propelling former Vice President Joe Biden into the lead in both delegates and the popular vote, supplanting Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who had been the clear frontrunner until last week’s blowout South Carolina primary revived Biden’s moribund campaign. With former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg and today’s departure of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic primary is now a contest between two septuagenarian career politicians from the northeast — who’da thunk?

Career political data analyst Paul Mitchell joins Tim Foster and John Howard to weigh in on the state of the race, the implications of the Super Tuesday results, where Elizabeth Warren’s supporters go now that she’s out, and when we might have the final tally from California’s primary.

Photo courtesy Gage Skidmore, Flickr

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