Capitol Weekly Podcast: SB9 and Accessory Dwelling Units

Last week, the governor signed SB9 and SB10 into law. These bills will effectively end single family zoning in the state, with the goal of making it easier to build new homes in preexisting neighborhoods, near transit. A little-discussed impact of SB9 is that it helps homeowners finance new construction on their property without tying up the equity in their existing home. We’re joined today by Steven Dietz of United Dwelling, an LA-based builder leading the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) industry with the most rental units built in California. United Dwelling partners with homeowners to transform their garage or backyard space into a high-quality rental unit.
Plus, as always, we tell you who had the Worst Week in California Politics.
Show Notes:
1:05 What is an ADU?
2:39 The biggest challenge of building an ADU
3:53 Restrictions
6:04 What are minimum and maximum sizes?
8:26 How much did they cost?
12:00 Gentrification concerns
18:36 “I love a garage – I’d spend more time there than in my living room..”
23:32 Interest rates on an ADU?
26:55 How long does it take to build an ADU??
29:29 The #WorstWeekCA
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