
Capitol Weekly podcast: Paul Mitchell

An increasingly rare device -- the dial telephone.

California’s political pollsters face profound change, and it all has to do with the way we use our phones.

A decade ago, better than nine out of 10 California households with telephones relied on land lines for their service — a scant 5 percent used cell phones for their home connection.

This year, nearly half of all households rely on cell phones, and that trend likely will accelerate as we enter the next election cycle. This change affects the way political surveys are handled.

So Capitol Weekly‘s John Howard and Tim Foster dialed up our favorite numbers cruncher, Political Data analyst Paul Mitchell, to chat on the podcast about the seismic shift from cell phones to land lines and how that will play out in the 2018 election cycle.

And don’t forget email.

Click here to listen … 

PS: For a detailed look, click here for Paul’s CA120 piece that we ran this week.

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