
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Mike Madrid on the Lincoln Project

Mike Madrid, longtime GOP consultant, former political director for the state Republican Party and board member of the Lincoln Project, joins us to talk about two of his recent skirmishes: a public battle with a squirrel family that occupied an eave of his house, and his even more public battle with the family that occupies the White House.

Madrid has made no secret of his distaste for the Trump wing of the Republican Party, calling out the nationalist and sometimes racist rhetoric that comes from the Trump administration and many of its supporters. Joining other disaffected Republicans, Madrid helped launch the Lincoln Project, which made news this week with a hard-hitting anti-Trump ad called “Mourning in America.” The ad was seen by thousands when it originally aired on Fox TV, but a late-night Trump tweet tirade about the Lincoln Project drove views to well over a million — and they’re still climbing.

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