Capitol Weekly Podcast: LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell

Former state Sen. Holly J. Mitchell was elected last year to a seat on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, representing District 2 – the same district in which she was born and raised. Term limits have turned the traditional local government-to-Legislature pipeline on its head, as has the stratospheric growth of LA: As a supervisor in a county of 10 million people, Mitchell represents twice as many constituents as she once did in the state Senate.
The LA Board of Supes – known for years as the “five little kings” – are “kings” no more. With Mitchell’s election, the Board is, for the first time, made up entirely of women. Two of the other Supervisors, Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl, are, like Mitchell, former state legislators.
Mitchell joined us on this week’s podcast to talk about her transition from the Capitol to the county, her priorities as a local official, and the governor’s drop-in at a 2nd District site to get his COVID vaccine at the beginning of the month. We also asked how her district — one of the hardest hit by COVID — has been dealing with the pandemic. And, finally, we asked the question on everyone’s mind: Where in the heck is North Shoestring?
Closing music is “Dreamer” by Black Violin
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