Capitol Weekly Podcast: Jon Fleischman, conservative to the core

Republican political strategist Jon Fleischman has been a significant voice in California conservative circles for well over a decade; he formerly served as the Executive Director of the state GOP and his Flash Report blog, founded in 2005, was one of the first (and for a time, perhaps the most influential) insider political blogs in the state.
While Fleischman is a rock-ribbed conservative with predictable views on unions (bad), universal health care (bad), and free trade (good), his strong Libertarian streak sometimes puts him at odds with others on the right – notably on law enforcement reforms like removing qualified immunity for police officers… a particularly shocking stance given that he once served as spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. He joined John Howard and Tim Foster for a wide-ranging conversation covering President Trump, the state of the GOP, pending legislation, Steve Bannon’s arrest – and who he voted for in the 2016 presidential election.
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