Capitol Weekly Podcast: Gas prices, Russia and energy security

With the average gasoline pump price approaching six bucks a gallon in California, we called Cathy Reheis-Boyd, President of the Western States Petroleum Association, to explain how we got here and what happens now.
Plus – who had the Worst Week in California Politics?
:36 What next for gas prices?
4:24 DYK: California gets about 50,000 barrels of oil per day from Russia
6:34 How much do retailers control gas pricing?
9:43 California’s oil production has declined 60% – why?
12:36 What drives the cost of gas?
18:06 Can the US influence the global price of oil?
20:11 Is there common ground between energy producers and environmentalists?
22:54 Let’s talk Carbon Capture
28:19 Will Biden tap the Strategic Oil Reserve?
31:14 The #WorstWeekCA
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