
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Campaign Keepsakes

As the American Political Items Collectors prepare to host their annual show this weekend in Sacramento we asked Adam Gottlieb to talk with us about his passion for collecting buttons and other rare campaign items. The APIC show runs from 10 AM to 2 PM, Saturday, December 11, in Curtis Hall at the Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento – click HERE for tickets. Plus: the Return of #WorstWeekCA!

Episode Notes

:32 What are the ‘hot’ political collectibles these days?

3:02 “The history of America can be told using buttons”

3:40 How much IS a six-pack of Billy Beer?

5:45 Sacramento’s “protest sign guy” (note: we THINK this guy was named Robert H. Simpson)

6:50 “I Like Ike”

8:04 The Medfly Invasion

10:47 What are the most valuable collectibles?

16:01 Adam’s collection

19:17 Buttons: the Twitter of their day

23:29 The big score

25:44 The #WorstWeekCA

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