
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Bob Stern on behested payments

We are joined today by Bob Stern, one of the authors of the The Political Reform Act of 1974, and a former counsel for California’s Fair Political Practices Commission. We asked him about Behested Payments – donations made to a charity or public program at the request of an elected official. The practice comes around for scrutiny by California’s political media every so often… most recently when Governor Newsom drummed up over $200 million in donations from supporters during the pandemic.

The practice isn’t illegal, but strict reporting rules do apply. Elected officials are required to report behested donations of $5,000 or more. Behested payments were largely unknown when the The Political Reform Act was passed in 1974 – but have emerged as a big factor since campaign finance reforms were enacted.

Plus, we look at a #WorstWeekCA for an LA City Councilmember – probably not the one you think.

Show Notes:

:38 Let’s talk about Behested Payments
4:25 Money in politics: the conundrum
8:01 How do campaign contribution limits work?
13:00 How does our campaign finance system compare?
18:47 Is there interest in deeper campaign reform?
20:29 What’s next step for dealing with pledged money in politics?
22:59 The #WorstWeekCA

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