
Capitol Weekly Podcast: 10 Districts to Watch in 2022

Artwork by unknown artist, displayed at Beauty Bagel, Oakland, California. Manipulated photo by Tim Foster, Capitol Weekly

In December, the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission finished the decennial revision of the state’s electoral districts – handing in final maps on deadline, Monday, December 27. Aside from changes due to the state’s shifting demographics, the Commission also had to meet the challenge of eliminating one congressional seat, bringing the California congressional delegation from 53 to 52.

We’re joined today by Matt Rexroad, of Redistricting Insights, who posted a fascinating breakout of each new district. We invited him to talk about the new maps and share his picks for the 10 districts to watch in 2022. Rexroad knows something about fair lines, having been involved in California’s first redistricting effort following the creation of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission in 2008.

He also stuck around to help decide who had the Worst Week in California Politics!

Episode Notes

:32 From 53 to 52 – who loses out?

1:21 The new maps: good, bad or indifferent?

2:11 Why do these districts stand out?

4:23 Are we going to see the end of Democratic supermajorities in the California legislature?

4:54 CD49

7:57 AD70

10:11 CD9

12:13 CD22

13:32 SD4 and SD6

15:36 SD16

17:49 AD22

19:00 AD44

20:44 AD76

21:43 How important will the vote on AB1400 be in the November elections?

24:03 The Polsby-Popper Score

25:367 The #WorstWeekCA

The Butte County District Attorney’s Report on the Camp Fire

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