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A Capitol holiday gift list

Santa's sleigh zips past the state Capitol.

The holiday season is now well under way. Christmas carols are taking over every extant means of mass communication and there’s so much goodwill around the squirrels in Capitol Park have quit chasing each other across the lawn.

In the spirit of peace and love, then, we bring forth our First Annual Gift List for California political types:

John Chiang: more name recognition

John Cox, Delaine Eastin, Travis Allen: see above

Janet Napolitano: less name recognition

Antonio Villaraigosa: a huge turnout of Los Angeles Latinos in 2018, all of whom have forgotten any affairs long in the past. Long in the past, do you hear?

Tom Chorneau: huge sales of his racy novel about Capitol intrigue, sex and money, with a TV series in the offing starring Raul Bocanegra and Matt Dababneh.

Bullet train’s Dan Richard: more federal funding

The twin tunnels: more federal funding

Capitol Weekly: any kind of funding

Felicia Marcus: rain

Frank Gehrke: snow

Jerry Brown: Fifteen (OK, 20) years off his age, clearing the way for his fourth run at the presidency

Capitol women: the assurance that they can walk into a meeting without being sexually harassed

Tom Steyer:  Donald Trump decides to save him an additional $20 million in impeachment ads and resigns

Kevin de León: an end to term limits that force him into an uphill battle against Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein: Kevin joins a rock band with a permanent gig in Kazakhstan

Jim Brulte: Republican registration continues to stay ahead of “decline to state”

Decline to state: Registration finally surpasses GOP voter signups

Eric Bauman: Good turnout in a special election in any part of the state for any office

Eric Bauman, Part Deux:  California Democrats have a love-in; Berniecrats and the Establishment exchange cannabis-infused brownies

California Republican House members Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Steve Knight, Ed Royce, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Darrell Issa  and Duncan Hunter: Donald Trump goes away, quickly

Gavin Newsom: Lieutenant governors rock! Especially good-looking ones! Voters forgive past affairs! (See: Villaraigosa.)

Eric Garcetti: Who says mayors can’t become presidents?

Xavier Becerra: Donald Trump says lawsuits expanding states’ rights against Washington’s dictates is a swell idea; Jeff Sessions says he now he remembers it’s a swell idea, too

Kamala Harris: There is a sudden national realization that Barack Obama had been in the Senate only a short time before moving into the White House

Anthony Rendon: California voters finally realize that the Assembly is made up of honest, hardworking, sexually pure people who long to return to civilian life when term limits liberate them from the hell of lawmaking


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4 responses to “A Capitol holiday gift list”

  1. Laurence B. Goodhue says:

    The Slut Kamala Harris…AKA former squeeze of Willy Brown so sullies the US Senate Chamber…Clorox will have to
    triple it’s production to purge the US Senate Chamber ..once the slut is in prison for the tolling case of her criminal complicity with Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia his fellow by,among other hard evidence in the hands
    of US Attorney ..the uncontrovirdible evidence provided by the
    Highly Credible Jim Mc Donnell,,then Long Beach Police Chief
    now LA County Sherriff.

    The slut of course was rebuked by the Bi Partsen Panel of US
    9th Circuit..for the EPIDEMIC OF CORRUPTION throughout
    California…an Epidemic still unchecked.

  2. Laurence B. Goodhue says:

    As for the highly credible Governor Brown,,,his major task at this point is to oversee the dismantling of the California
    Coastal Commission…which has become a travking circus of
    Buffonery,Corruption,he with the far from dry dream of
    organizing the CC into a labor unit,,with himself as Shop
    Stewart ..( Fellow traveler of the Criminally Complicty
    Robert Garcia).

  3. Laurence B. Goodhue says:

    Eric Garcetti …in the view of this ardent GOP member since
    high school days when cadird for Ray C. Bliss…and who
    standard by which all elected measured is the late Margret
    Chase Smith….would make an oustading US President..
    having followed his political career from day one. He is
    underlined,overlined and encompassed by integrity.

  4. Laurence B. Goodhue says:

    Diannne Feinstein : The embodiment of integrity…and
    patience having to serve along side of the SLUT HARRIS…
    so odious that..even would not only Harvey Weinstein give her
    a wide berth…but Mat Lauer would install a button under his
    deck…to LOCK HER OUT of HIS OFFICE…(As he would for
    the LA County DA…Jackie inept ..she can barely
    lace up her own shoes..let alone criminal cases..both Harris &
    Lacey are simply to stupid….and would probably be run off the
    Hollywood Walk Of Fame by the “ Ladies of the Evening
    HUGH GRANT was searching for a number of years ago.

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