California should be regulating kratom

OPINION – Californians have long since been ahead of the curve when it comes to wellness. The Golden State’s residents have routinely pioneered new ways to focus on self-care, manage stress and adhere to daily health routines, including exercise, meditation and the informed use of natural herbal supplements.
One such supplement that is increasingly becoming part of the wellness routines of many is kratom. Despite differing public views and ongoing regulatory discussions, millions of people around the world use kratom for various health benefits. Derived from the tropical evergreen tree in Southeast Asia, Mitragyna speciosa, kratom has been an essential part of traditional medicine for centuries.
Today, kratom can be found in stores across the United States, as its use has been growing for more than 40 years. An estimated 15 million people across the country, especially Californians attuned to healthy living, appreciate its multifaceted benefits.
In the fast-paced lifestyle of the modern world, stress and anxiety seem to be ever-existing companions. With immense workloads, economic uncertainties, and increasing social pressures, people often find themselves in situations that create unnecessary stress. The need for effective, regulated, natural wellness solutions has never been more essential.
The primary component of kratom, mitragynine, has an affinity for the same brain receptors that are targeted by stress and anxiety-reducing compounds. Kratom is embraced for its ability to manage occasional pain, improve mood and provide an overall sense of well-being, and increase focus and alertness. A broad demographic of consumers, from individuals battling chronic pain, to office workers seeking enhanced productivity, have found solace in this natural supplement.
Although millions of consumers extoll kratom’s effectiveness, regulation has been an ongoing affair.
Three times in the last decade, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has attempted to force kratom into Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, a drastic action that would criminalize the use of the supplement nationwide.
Currently kratom is legal in 45 of 50 states, but products found in many of those states can be under-regulated, leading to variations in quality, potency, and purity.
At the federal level, legislation will soon be introduced to protect the rights of consumers to use kratom by legalizing and regulating it. The Federal Clarity for Kratom Consumers Act would protect the supplement from federal overreach and reclassification as a dangerous drug, while ensuring the safety of the product to provide consumers with a properly manufactured supplement they can rely on.
The need for legislation is clear. Currently kratom is legal in 45 of 50 states, but products found in many of those states can be under-regulated, leading to variations in quality, potency, and purity. Lack of standardization increases the risk of adulteration and contamination, potentially putting users at risk and lessening the plant’s helpful properties.
That’s where the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) enters the conversation. The KCPA, has been enacted in 11 states – Utah, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Virginia, Florida, and Texas – and others are entertaining following suit.
California – the largest consumer market for kratom, and its 40 million residents – should be one of those states.
The KCPA requires kratom vendors to use good manufacturing standards, independently test their products, label the products with directions for use, and set appropriate age limits. The KCPA strikes a balance between protecting consumers from potential risks and preserving their freedom to make informed health decisions.
By regulating the herbal supplement as a food product and establishing clear criteria for potential restrictions, the Act aims to ensure that kratom products remain safe and unadulterated. This regulatory framework would also allow for transparency in kratom research.
Contrary to the narrative of danger portrayed by critics, recent research findings shed a positive light on kratom. According to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System, between 2018-2022, kratom had fewer reported adverse events than caffeine. Additionally, the World Health Organization has stated that there is insufficient evidence to categorize kratom as posing a risk to public health.
It’s important to remember that every wellness journey is personal, and what works for one might not work for another. Always consult a healthcare professional before introducing new supplements into a daily routine. While kratom serves as a stress reliever and anxiety reducer for many, it’s crucial to use it responsibly and as part of a balanced approach to overall wellness.
Research shows self-care helps manage stress and promote happiness. Everyone should be open to exploring and respecting the variety of ways an individual chooses to enhance their overall wellbeing. Kratom is a part of that journey, and it’s time we move toward sensible regulations to create product standards and safeguard consumers.
Mac Haddow serves as Senior Policy Fellow for the American Kratom Association
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