
A new proposal on dealing with the high volume of bills

Image by Cagkan Sayin

OPINION – Since my suggestion of reducing bill limits in the California Legislature does not appear to be taking hold, I have a new proposal to stimulate some discussion about this topic and would welcome feedback. Here is my proposal: How about requiring bills to be introduced at least one month earlier in the year?

What would this proposal require? First, it would require legislators and their staff to consider and decide upon their likely legislation in November and December and then submit those proposals to the Office of Legislative Counsel a month or so earlier. While some offices do that already, many others would have to adjust.

This proposal would also mean that trade associations, labor unions, lobbyists and their clients, and other interest groups that want to have a bill introduced will have to start their processes earlier as well. They will have to develop their bill ideas, background papers, and draft legislative language earlier in order to submit them to legislators for earlier consideration.

It would also require the attorneys at Office of Legislative Counsel to draft bills earlier. Once introduced by the third week in January (rather than the current third week in February), then policy committees would start bill hearings a month earlier as well. By keeping the current deadlines for house of origin committees, there would be an additional month worth of hearings.

This proposal would also require the bills to be spread out more and using that additional month so that fewer bills would be heard at each hearing. In that way, each policy committee could reduce the hearing bill load, which would allow committee consultants to have more time to analyze bills and write more detailed analyses. Consultants are forced to rush analyses because there are just so many bills and relatively few hearings.

Also, hopefully, this proposal would allow the committees to loosen the reins on testimony and allow additional witnesses to testify, to allow more time for those witnesses to speak, and also to provide adequate time for legislators on the committees to actually discuss and debate the bills before they cast a vote on them.

Since roughly 40% of the introduced bills today are spot or intent bills anyways, I doubt that number will go up much more under this proposal. The legislative leaders could also advance by a month the due date for amending spot or intent bills.

Ideally, this proposal would be improved by reducing the current bill limits in the State Senate and State Assembly. Perhaps we will still such a proposal in the 2024 Session. In the meantime, I would welcome feedback and discussion on this proposal…

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