Experts Expound

Experts Expound

Schwarzenegger is the one person who could make it happen. He can be Nixon going to China on this issue. He can frame it in a pro-business as well as humanitarian light, citing employers moving manufacturing jobs to Canada to take advantage of the nationalized health care.

Yes it is.

A “commitment” means he’s going to do it, even if it means irritating some people and breaking a “no new taxes” pledge along the way. A “goal” simply means he’s going to do it if it’s easy and free, which means if Liz Hill’s numbers are correct, it’s not going to happen.

The drug companies had better be on guard next
year …

Extremely doubtful that we see a comprehensive state health-insurance plan. Especially when the governor will continue to move the “goal” posts so only he will know when victory is achieved.

A major new program is coming, but not as major as the Democrats would like. (And bigger than the Republicans would like–business as usual for this governor.) Whether we insure a quarter, half or all the uninsured in the state, the governor should be commended for driving the Legislature to focus on this critical issue.

Yes look for a plan soon. It amazes me how cheap and easy doctors and hospitals are–put a few carrots in front of them and they bite.

With the structural budget deficit not solved–and looking at $5 billion in red for this year–the governor is suffering from hubris again if he thinks he can expand health care without raising taxes.

The people from whom we sought opinions: Andrew Acosta, A.G. Block, Roy Behr, Don Wilcox, Jon Fleischman, Evan Goldberg, Deborah Gonzalez, Dan Schnur, Jason Kinney, Tom Kise, Karen Hanretty, Kevin Spillane, Mark Bogetich; Michael Houston, Adam Mendelsohn, Matt Ross, Sam Delson, Mike Madrid, Morgan Crinklaw, Dave Lesher, Richard Zeiger, Mike Madrid, Margita Thompson, Ken Gibson, Ralph Simoni, Bob Hertzberg, Scott Baugh, Steve Maviglio, Tony Quinn, Peter DeMarco, Will Shuck, Sandy Harrison; Adam Probolsky, Barbara O’Connor, Jack Pitney, Matt Rexroad, Roger Salazar, Patrick Dorinson.

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