Experts Expound

Experts Expound

“Politically speaking, who’s been naughty and who’s been nice? Who should get a lump of coal, who should get the Red Ryder BB gun?”

The lump of coal goes to Bruce Young, et al, who cooked up and funded a Republican write-in candidate to siphon votes away from Republican Lynn Daucher in the SD 34 race against Democrat Lou Correa.

Red Ryder BB gun to Darrell Steinberg for his unabashed enthusiasm for public service.

Coal: Jim Battin (for trying to take out Dick Ackerman); Garry South (for rubbing salt into Phil Angelides’ wounds–time and time again); Susan Kennedy (for her “deer in the headlights” statement that resulted in the ouster of Georgia Plescia); Merv Dymally and Bonnie Garcia (for uncontrollable foot-in-mouth disease). Sandi Polka (for using more than $63,000 of her clients money in ads in the Sacramento Bee, patting herself on the back. Oh wait, Capitol Weekly got one of those ads, too–dare you to run that one!); Carole Migden (for forgetting she was no longer in the Assembly and trying to vote).

BB Gun: Speaker N

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