Experts Expound

Experts Expound

 “Whither Arnold Schwarzenegger? Does he do Terminator 4 and have success in the public arena or does he slink off into the sunset?”

Arnold Schwarzenegger “slink off into the sunset?” That’s like asking if a peacock will stop preening because he got dust on his tail feathers. Like a peacock, Arnold’s DNA is wired to preen; “slink” isn’t a word in his vocabulary. He’ll survive the few “tut, tuts” chirped in his direction and get back to making movies. After his stint as governor, nobody was going to pay attention to him in the public arena anyway.

I believe he’s already signed the movie contracts, and there is no such thing as a morals clause in Hollywood. But this sordid affair combined with the Nunez commutation pretty well puts an end to his desired role as a statesman.

He comes back as an actor more in-demand than ever, emboldened by his success in getting California’s political press to allow him to pull off this scam long enough to be elected and re-elected.

Hopefully he crawls back under the weight bench never to be heard from again.

He’s Terminated. The level of deception in this tawdry matter, both with his family and the people of California, is almost breath-taking. And there undoubtedly will be more revelations to come. The guy is both amoral and immoral. He von’t be baaack.

America loves a comeback. If Client 9 can have his own CNN show, Arnold will certainly remain a high-profile figure in politics and entertainment. I see a cameo for the kid in “Cry Macho” on the horizon.

A guy with an ego as big as his will continue to seek the limelight, whether it’s in movies or public office in France.

Hollywood is full of fakes, baby daddies and redemption stories.  Arnold will be just another one.  Too bad because he had the potential to be so much more.

On the career prospects Richter Scale, he ranks somewhere below Charlie Sheen but marginally higher than Mel Gibson.  In terms of a political future, he’s batting below the Quackenbush/Condit/Ensign line.

 believe he’s already signed the movie contracts, and there is no such thing as a morals clause in Hollywood. But this sordid affair combined with the Nunez commutation pretty well puts an end to his desired role as a statesman.

He might still be able to make movies: Clint Eastwood, after all, has had kids out of wedlock.  But as far as politics goes, he won’t be back. 

Movie goers don’t care that Arnold fathered a love child.  Adultery only bothers golf fans and people who thought Mel Gibson hated Jews at least a little bit less than his father did.

He’ll make bank in Hollywood. His fans don’t care that he’s the baby-daddy. They are teenage boys and men 18-45 doing the same thing!

Insiders say there are coming attractions in the Schwarzenegger chronicles. Revenge of the Pervs.

 Andrew Acosta, A.G. Block, Mark Bogetich, Barry Brokaw, J Dale Debber, Peter DeMarco, Mike Donovan, Jim Evans, Kathy Fairbanks, Jeff Fuller, Rex Frazier, Ken Gibson, Evan Goldberg, Deborah Gonzalez, Sandy Harrison, Bob Hertzberg, Jason Kinney, Greg Lucas, Mike Madrid, Nicole Mahrt, Steve Maviglio,  Adam Mendelsohn, Barbara O’Connor, Bill Packer, Kassy Perry, Jack Pitney, Adam Probolsky, Tony Quinn, Matt Rexroad, Matt Ross, Roger Salazar, Dan Schnur, Will Shuck, Ralph Simoni, Sam Sorich, Ray Sotero, Garry South, Kevin Spillane, Robin Swanson, Angie Wei, Rich Zeiger

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