
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Chris Hoene – Budget Ahoy!

California’s proposed new Budget is about to drop. We decided to get ahead of the game and invited Chris Hoene, Executive Director of the California Budget and Policy Center, to talk about what to expect. The California Budget and Policy Center prepares fact-based, nonpartisan analyses of state budget and public policy issues, and is informed by California’s demographic, economic, and social contexts, while also advancing public policies they believe will help all Californians achieve shared prosperity. Chris spoke with us about what he expects to see in the new Budget, how it was shaped, the surplus, and the Gann Limit.

Plus, as always, we tell you who had the #WorstWeek in California politics!

Episode Notes

:27 The Gann Limit

2:32 The surplus

4:17 Will we see new ongoing programs?

6:33 What would Chris like to see?

8:11 Relief for healthcare entities

9:39 The Budget process

14:15 Will this Budget impact upcoming elections?

15:35 Build Back Better

16:29 What percentage of the CA Budget is based on Federal dollars?

19:21 Scuttlebutt: what is rumored to be in this year’s Budget?

21:31 The #WorstWeekCA

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