
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Redistricting Commission’s representation problem

Detail of an antique California Bear Flag handerkerchief with detailed Grizzly Bear. Photo by the Bear Flag Museum

California’s Citizens Independent Redistricting Commission is generally regarded as a model of its kind, achieving balance and representation through a carefully constructed mix of quotas, political gamesmanship and random selection. How then, did the first round of new commissioners selected on July 2 fail to include a single Latino, the state’s largest ethnic group?

When the slate of eight new commissioners (of 14 total) were announced, many, including former Senate pro tem Kevin de León, voiced their outrage at Latinos being denied ‘a seat at the table.’ California redistricting expert and all-around political data guru Paul Mitchell joins Tim Foster and John Howard to talk about the Redistricting Commission, the selection process and just how we might get out of this mess (and how we won’t).

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