Distrust part of independent voters’ makeup

Skeptical, younger, grumpy and suspicious – that about sums up California’s independent voters.
Distrustful of institutions, disenchanted with government and leery of the major political parties, the reach of the independent voter is widening, according to the head of a top research institution.
“They tend to be young, highly educated, male more than female,” said Mark Baldassare, president of the Public Policy Institute of California, which regularly surveys California’s political mood.
During the past 16 years, voters who decline to state a party preference have doubled, from 12.7 percent in 1998 to 23.3 percent in 2014.
One out of every two independent voters are college educated, compared with about 41 percent for Democrats and 32 percent for Republicans. About 55 percent are male, 45 percent female.
“Some of them are people who left the party, or new voters who don’t see a reason to belong to a party,” he added. “I wouldn’t call them infrequent voters, but they don’t necessarily think they have to vote in every election,” Baldassare told a Capitol hearing of the Little Hoover Commission, adding that they are “distrustful not only of government, but of institutions.”
During the past 16 years, voters who decline to state a party preference have doubled, from 12.7 percent in 1998 to 23.3 percent in 2014, according to the final state registration report. Of those who do declare a party affiliation, about 43.3 percent identified themselves as Democrats, and 28.1 percent as Republicans. Just over 5 percent described themselves as members of other political parties.
Currently, about 17.8 million people are registered to vote in California, about 73.3 percent of the total number of eligible voters.
Independent voters typically are harder to define and their electoral conduct harder to predict than those with party affiliations. “Moderation” generally describes them, and “they lean a little more to the Democratic side than to the Republican side,” while they are “fiscally conservative, socially liberal, environmentally liberal,” Baldassare said.
Other issues are at work, apart from voters’ disenchantment with political parties. Ethnic and age considerations also play a role.
Some 14 million Latinos live in California, or about 38 percent of the state’s entire population. But only about half — 17 percent – are likely to vote. Asians, which account for 14 percent of the population, represent about 11 percent of California’s likely voters, while Blacks represent some 6 percent of likely voters – the same percentage of Blacks in the overall population. The figures were contained in an earlier PPIC report.
Baldassare’s comments came at a commission hearing examining the way Californians interact with their government.
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I normally don’t respond to blogs but in this case I feel I need to set the record straight about all this commotion about “Independent” or “Decline to State” voters. First, there is no such thing as a DCL voter on election day, ours is basically a binary system. Second, a fair (some would say large) percentage of folks who register to vote in an unassisted fashion, mainly at the DMV, do a sloppy job of registering and don’t complete the form entirely. These registrants default to decline to state by law. Third, many, many DCL registered voters live in households with partisan voters all of whom are registered with one of the two parties. Any field organizer either Democrat or Republican will tell you that these voters (DCL voters who live in pure Dem or pure Rep households) are not “Independent.” Lastly, I’m surprised that a guy like Baldassare, who is a very good pollster does not cohort his sample. He would certainly find that DCL registrants who live in solidly Democratic or solidly Republican neighborhoods vote like members of their household and like their neighbors.
[…] Distrust part of independent voters’ makeup […]
Be they independent or otherwise,no matter what side of the isle,only
the addle minded(which,alas whose numbers are not small) would vote
for Kamala Harris for Attorney General (butt double for Kardashian twin
possibly..but not for any elected office,
Her complicity in the CRIMINAL by the Long Beach
Police Department and other records secured by CPRA dealing with
the continuum of crime of GIFTING of near $300,000 of California
State Tidelands Funds..engendered by her adopted nephew,the
then California Coastal Member/Long Beach City Council Member/
Chair of its Public Safety Commission/now Sitting Mayor of Long
Beach/heir apparent to Governor Brown (in the minds of the corrupt)
so sworn in as Mayor by his “Aunt” Kamala …essentially ends her
political career..indeed,like a number of Garcia’s fellow travelers might
we’ll spend time in prison,by the time the FBI completes it’s
investigation,of the ruse,the profile of which is highlighted by the
increased sun light engendered by a United States Senate race..
which will bring to light her lack of ability and malfeasance exuded by
Increasing problems with the California Coastal Commission..upon
which sits..a potted plant of the first order..her Deputy Attorney
General..who rubber stamped her nephew Garcia s criminal ruse.
As a follow up,the thoughtful might want to check out the
December 15’2914 front page article of Long Beach Press Telegram
well researched article.which after securing a limited supply of
VIAGRA for the backbone,its Publishers published.
One of the salient questions Mr.James Comey,Director of FBI
Is,without doubt musing is,while the complicit in the Tow Yard
Scandal..were promptly removed from City Payroll…for crimes
with a dollar value..far,far,far less than the near $300,000 Garcia
Gifted..Garcia and his complicit fellow travelers are STILL on
CITY and State payroll!!!!!!!! Only in the most CORRUPT and
DISEASED..minds could such double standard acceptable.